Sunday, October 12, 2014


Hey CityGirls-

I have taken a long absence from this blog and I have to say that I somewhat regret that. This blog was started at a more positive time in my life and many events have happened since the first half of 2013. It is not that I am in a bad place now-it is just that I have gone through a lot of things that have definitely tested me as a person. Many positive things have also happened too; I have graduated college with a Bachelor's degree, I have gotten my first 'big girl' job in a law office, and I have removed myself from a couple of relationships that I believe were unhealthy. 
I will provide more updates as time goes on, but I just wanted to write a quick(ish) post to say that I have been thinking a lot more about writing lately and I am making a commitment to return to this blog because it helps me release emotions and I hope that it can at least help someone else out there too-just knowing there is someone that can relate to them and that is similar to them.
That is all for now my city folks and I promise to return soon.
