Friday, April 19, 2013

Faith in Humanity

Hey CityGirls!

With all the recent events the past few days I wanted to take a moment to add my perspective. 
Unfortunately, there has been an unfortunate series of events in the United States over the past few days. My heart is with everyone/families who are suffering and are feeling pain from these events- those that are caused by fellow human beings and those that are not. 

Far too often we remember all the bad things in this world... They stick in our minds like glue and sometimes its hard to forgive and move on. I just wanted to say that although there have been an unfortunate series of events, this is not to say we should lose faith in our fellow man. Many times each day there are precious moments and selfless acts that will never be heard of or reported on worldwide or even nationwide.... And that's OK. 
At this difficult time, try and recall those times in your own life when a selfless act was preformed for you, even if it was as simple as a stranger holding open a door. 

What the events of these last few days have shown me is how we as a nation and a world can band together and help each other. We are so strong and we can be so compassionate and selfless. It is sad that it sometimes takes an awful event to remind ourselves that we are a nation and a world filled with giving and loving human beings. 

We will never forget, and it will never be acceptable, but we WILL make it through. We are strong and we have so much to offer those people who are hurting. Just a smile, a hug or a shoulder to cry on. Give what you can because when you re hurting and in need someone just may come along and make it a little bit better for you. 

Love each other, respect each other, help each other. 


Monday, April 15, 2013

Awesome App Alert!

Hey CityGirls!
I felt the need to share my favorite App at
this moment.

It is called Transform.
Each day there is a wonderfully awesome amazing quote along with an assignment.

Today's quote is in the image above ^^^
And the assignment reads:

Today, let yourself choose kindness over "truth".

You can even set a reminder so everyday at the same time a 'gong' will sound and remind you to take a moment to 'transform' your view for the day, if only for a few minutes.
I set mine for 10:30am!

The best part- it's free! :)


PS- I must mention that my wonderful friend Liz was the one who intro introduced me to this- Thanks Liz!

A Quick Hello

Hello All!
I am so excited to start this blog.
My goal is basically to share events/products/messages that I find and think people should know about.

A little about me:
I am many things. I am a student, a daughter, a sister and a girlfriend. 
I am active, happy, and am committed to being positive and making small steps to create more joy in this world. 

I am hoping this will be a positive experience and maybe I will connect with some fellow city girls! 

Have a happy night